Wednesday, July 30, 2014

ALA Annual Conference Council Documents

The 2014 American Library Association Council documents and actions are now available on Council page:

Take the Library Broadband Speed Test

Take the (library broadband speed) test by August 8!

Posted on July 29, 2014 by Larra Clark  
The American Library Association (ALA) and the Information Policy & Access Center (iPAC) at the University of Maryland College Park are extending the deadline for public libraries to gauge the quality of public access to the Internet until August 8. The speed test study is funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), and is supported by the Association of Rural and Small Libraries, the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies, the Public Library Association, and the Urban Libraries Council.
The new study will complement findings from the 2013-2014 Digital Inclusion Survey released last week, providing a snapshot of the broadband speed a library patron experiences at the device level (pdf or png). Taken together, the data will help inform the Federal Communications Commission’s current E-rate proceeding, including questions about future funding needs.
This new data collection effort will seek responses from a sample of about 1,000 libraries, while allowing any library to capture the broadband speed data for their advocacy use. No software needs to be downloaded, and libraries will be asked to run the speed test at least twice during open hours.
Libraries can log on at before August 8 to capture data. Results from the speed test study will be published in September 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

ALA Annual Conference Report

ALA Annual Conference was held in Las Vegas, NV June 26-July 1, 2014. The average daily temperature hovered around 105 degrees ( Over 18,000 attended the event (

Highlights of Meetings:

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler addressed the membership speaking to the issue of Network Neutrality.

ALA President-Elect Courtney Young, will partner with ALA Chapters to provide training for a national cohort of 25 librarians from a cross section of libraries to become certified Career Development Facilitators (CDF). Created by the National Career Development Association (NCDA), the CDF program is a comprehensive training designed to address several facets of career planning and the job search.

Capwiz needs to be moved to the new platform by October Capwiz is the shared online advocacy network for state and federal grassroots advocacy. It provides action alerts to disseminate messages targeting specific elected officials, issues or legislation, allows advocates to contact elected officials easily and is financially supported by ALA.

ALA Annual Conference Council Sessions Report:

1. ALA Strategic Initiatives: Advocacy, Information Policy, Professional and Leadership Development

2. Election Report of the tellers:
  • Committee on Committees:  Ann Crewdson; Karen Downing; Jim Kuhn; Susan Gregory
  • At Large Councilors Planning and Budget Assembly: Loida Garcia-Febo; Matthew Ciszek; Ismail Abdullahi
  • Chapter Councilors PBA Stephanie Braunstein; Regina Cooper

3. Resolutions
  • Stable funding for Air Force libraries
  • Resolution on Granting the District of Columbia government budget autonomy to allow city services, including libraries, to remain open during a Federal Government shutdown
  • Resolution on Digitization of U.S. Government Documents
  • Resolution Reaffirming Support for National Open Internet Policies and “Network Neutrality”
Full Committee reports are available to Councilors on ALA Connect. A link to all council documents will be posted to the blog when it becomes publicly available