On December 9, 2014, the American Library Association’s Washington Office will launch a new and reinvigorated District Dispatch blog that will highlight federal legislation and policy news that impacts libraries. The new District Dispatch makes it easier for library advocates to find important information policy news, search articles, share news and “drill down” further into national policy issues. The new District Dispatch also includes a “Breaking News” feature that makes it easier for advocates to find the most current and critical policy information they need to take action at the national level. Finally, the new blog makes it easier for library staff to find free policy-related webinars.
As we head into a new Congress, ALA members are encouraged to subscribe to the District Dispatch to keep abreast of relevant library policy news, such as federal funding opportunities, copyright reform, open access legislation, Federal Communications Commission proceedings and much more. Visit the blog today: http://www.districtdispatch.org.