Tuesday, February 18, 2014

ALA Leadership Institute Applications Available

From Don Wood, ALA Chapter Relations Office:

The application process for the 2014 “Leading to the Future” ALA Leadership Institute (Aug. 10-14, Eaglewood Resort, Ill.) is now open, with applications accepted through April 25, 2014. The immersive leadership development program for 40 mid-career librarians will be led again by ALA Past-President Maureen Sullivan and ACRL Content Strategist Kathryn Deiss.

The application form as well as details and guidelines are at http://www.ala.org/transforminglibraries/ala-leadership-institute. Applicants may nominate themselves or be nominated by their employer. Participation includes a free one-year membership in LLAMA (Library Leadership and Management Association).
Support for the Institute is provided by Innovative Interfaces, Inc.