Friday, February 15, 2013

Citizens Save Libraries Grants

Deadline Extended:

PHILADELPHIA — Applications for the Citizens-Save-Libraries grants from United for Libraries, made possible by a grant from the Neal-Schuman Foundation, are due April 15, 2013.
The 20 grants will support advocacy at the local level for libraries with troubled budgets by sending expert advocates to library sites over the next two years. The expert advocates will help friends of the library groups, library directors and trustees develop individual blueprints for advocacy campaigns to restore, increase or save threatened library budgets.
The first 10 libraries will be selected in 2013, and the second 10 will be selected in 2014. Among the criteria to apply is a willingness to “pay it forward” by sharing what is learned with others in their states through presentations at local conferences, articles written for the state library association journal and a willingness to answer questions and support other advocacy campaigns via digital media and Skype.
Grant winners will receive a power guide, which will be available to any library at [5], that will lay out a step-by-step blueprint for libraries to follow in generating advocacy campaigns.
To apply for the grants, visit [6].
The Neal-Schuman Foundation [7], established in 2000 by Neal-Schuman Publishers [8]' founders Patricia Glass Schuman and John Vincent Neal, strives to aid and promote charitable research and education for the improvement of libraries. An active American Library Association member and past president (1991-92), Schuman founded the Library Advocacy Now program and co-founded the Library Champions program.
United for Libraries [5]: The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations, is a division of the American Library Association that supports citizens who govern, promote, advocate, and fundraise for libraries. United for Libraries brings together library Trustees, advocates, friends, and foundations into a partnership that creates a powerful force for libraries in the 21st century. For more information or to join United for Libraries, visit the United for Libraries website [5]or contact Jillian Kalonick at (312) 280-2161 or [9].

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

American Library Association
 Midwinter Meeting and Exhibits, Seattle, Washington, January 25-29, 2013
Inside ALA MW13RegistrationMaking your Case to Attend
Read Midwinter Meeting highlights!
More than 10,700 librarians, exhibitors, authors, staff, paraprofessionals, teachers, and friends made the most of ALA Midwinter Meeting conversations, networking, programs, award ceremonies, exhibits, speakers, institutes, social events, and the wonderful city of Seattle. Read all about it in the retrospective Highlights issue of Cognotes, the meeting’s official newspaper.
Start reading now! Download Cognotes in the most convenient format:
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Your survey answers will help us! If you attended Midwinter in Seattle, you will soon receive a survey seeking your feedback. Your input helps us make the meeting better every year, so thank you in advance for your participation.
Looking for Midwinter Meeting session handouts and slides? If they're available, you’ll find them in the Midwinter Meeting scheduler.
Rev up for ALA Annual Conference in Chicagoregister and book housing now! Ways to stay in touch, get updates, and join the conversations include; Twitter: #ala2013; the Facebook Event; and the Pinterest page. Get an Annual Conference overview and resources to show how you’ll be more valuable to your institution after Annual Conference at “Making your case to attend."
Save the date! 2013 ALA Virtual Conference--Mapping Transformation--is July 24 and 25. Registration opens in May.
ALA Midwinter Meeting
The conversation starts here …

Monday, February 4, 2013

ALA Dues Adjustment Proposal Spring Vote

For Immediate Release
February 4, 2013
Contact: Cathleen Bourdon
ALA Council approves dues adjustment proposal
CHICAGO – On January 29th at its meeting in Seattle during the Midwinter Meeting, the Council of the American Library Association (ALA) approved a dues adjustment proposal and directed that it be placed on the spring ALA ballot for membership approval.
If approved by the membership, a five-year dues adjustment mechanism would be established, directing the Executive Board to review personal member dues annually every September from 2013 to 2017 in consideration of a dues adjustment not to exceed the percentage change in the national average Consumer Price Index (CPI). Any increase proposed above the CPI would be subject to a mail vote of personal members, and any subsequent dues adjustment after 2017 would require approval by the ALA Executive Board, Council, and a mail vote of ALA personal members.
ALA Membership Committee chair, Kay Cassell, assistant professor, Rutgers University, presented the proposal to the Council and stated, “We wanted to find an approach that provided revenue to support ALA programs and services, but in a way that would result in small, manageable increases.”
“This dues adjustment mechanism will allow ALA to augment valuable work on its many ALA 2015 strategic initiatives including library advocacy, federal legislation, intellectual freedom, diversity, digital content, community engagement, online continuing education, and member engagement,” stated Maureen Sullivan, ALA president.
Keith Michael Fiels, ALA executive director, stated, “With an average CPI increase of 2.5% a year, this would translate into $1-$4 per year based on your membership type. These small increases spread over thousands of member will provide ALA with consistent financial resources to continue work on the goals in the ALA strategic plan in an ongoing, sustainable manner.”
A question and answer document about the dues proposal is available on the ALA Member blog. Polls for the 2013 ALA election will open on March 19th and close on April 26th.