Tuesday, November 27, 2012

E-Book Media & Communications Toolkit From ALA

ALA Launches E-book Media & Communications Toolkit

As several large book publishers continue to deny libraries access to their e-books, and others make e-books available under difficult terms, libraries find themselves unable to provide the reading and educational materials demanded by their patrons. As a result, many librarians are asking, “What can I do to advocate for fair e-book lending practices?”

To assist libraries in informing the public about e-book lending practices, the American Library Association (ALA) released today the “ALA E-book Media & Communications Toolkit,” a set of materials that will support librarians in taking action in their communities.

Developed by the ALA’s Digital Content and Libraries Working Group (DCWG), the toolkit includes op-ed and press release templates for library supporters interested in informing the public of the role that libraries play in building literate and knowledgeable communities. Additionally, the toolkit provides guidance on ways to use the media templates, as well as ALA talking points, e-book data, and public service announcement scripts.

“The library community cannot sit by while publishers openly refuse to sell libraries the e-books that they need to serve their patrons,” said ALA President Maureen Sullivan, who recently led several library meetings with publishers. “Librarians and our allies must speak out more forcefully in communities across the country. Everyone needs to know that libraries offer e-books and 21st century library services, but we are unable to offer all the e-reading choices our patrons demand and deserve.”

The Digital Content & Libraries Working Group, a representative group made up of 27 ALA members from various types of libraries, advises the Association on issues related to libraries and digital content, and the provision of equitable access to digital content for all. The group has developed a number of other resources about e-books, including the report “Ebook Business Models for Public Libraries,” a digital rights management “Tip Sheet,” and an E-Content supplement to American Libraries magazine.

To view the communications toolkit, visit www.ala.org/transforminglibraries/ebooktoolkit.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Joint Statement on E-Content Pricing

From ALA Chapter Relations:

ALA Chapters Issue Joint Statement on E-Content Pricing

"A majority of the 57 state and regional chapters of the American Library Association have signed a joint statement in opposition to the practices of publishers and distributors that have established unfair pricing in the sale of ebooks to libraries."



(The South Dakota Chapter formally supported this statement following the November SDLA Exectutive Board Meeting.)

Public Libraries and Digital Literacy

From PLA:

As you know, public libraries and community organizations are becoming the go-to place for digital literacy education. Users come searching for help to understand and use computer programs, printers and other hardware, the Internet (web browsing, e-mail, social media), digital media (cameras, e-readers, music players) and more.  PLA is working with COSLA and ALA OITP to create a website that will focus on digital learning.  Here is more information about the IMLS-funded project:  http://www.ala.org/news/pr?id=11454).

To get a starting point for the needs of librarians who are providing digital literacy support in their libraries, we have created a survey and are asking for help getting the word out about it. Please share the link to the survey with the librarians in your state or region.   It will be open until December 15.  

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your help.

Best wishes,

Barbara A. Macikas
Executive Director, Public Library Association
a division of the American Library Association
50 East Huron St.
Chicago, IL  606011
T:  312.280.5028
F:  312.280.5029

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Money Smart Week

Sign Up for ‘Money Smart Week @ your library’, April 20-27, 2013
Please join the hundreds of libraries across the country that will be providing financial literacy programming during Money Smart Week @ your library, April 20-27.
Libraries of all types can provide much needed financial education to their communities- pubic, school, academic, special.  Last year over 250 libraries in 39 states participated.  We are hoping to double the number of libraries this year, and have participation in each state.
ALA and the Federal Reserve Bank (Chicago) have partnered to make it easy for you to participate, with toolkits, great program ideas, guides, resources, downloadable logos and more.  And we don’t ask you to do a lot, you can participate if you only provide one program during the week.
To learn more about ‘Money Smart Week @ your library’ and how other libraries have benefited from being part of Money Smart Week @ your library take a look at this recent archived webinar which you can view at your leisure (55 minutes). 
Please feel free to pass the link to the webinar link to any colleagues who you would like to also encourage to participate.
If you and your library would like to participate we ask that should register as a 'Library Partner' at the Money Smart Week website - http://www.moneysmartweek.org/ala.  Please register by January 2nd if possible.
And don’t forget to also sign up for the Money Smart Week @ your library discussion list, where we provide updates and you can ask questions of other participating librarians.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Michael Dowling
International and Chapter Relations Offices
American Library Association
50 E Huron St
Chicago, IL, USA
p +1 800-545-2433 ext 3200
f  +1 312-280-4392

'Money Smart Week @ your library' April 21-27, 2013

Hurricane Sandy and Libraries

(e-mail from ALA Executive Director Michael Fiels, dated November 5,2012)

An initial article on Hurricane Sandy and its impact on libraries appeared in AL Online yesterday. It can be found at:  http://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/features/11042012/libraries-weather-superstorm
So far, we have pretty good information on New Jersey, thanks to the New Jersey Library Association and New Jersey State Library. Don Wood is now reaching out to the state chapters to gather information on other libraries that sustained damage.
We'll share information with the Board and Council as we get it in.

Gale Cengage Learning Financial Development Award

Gale Cengage Learning Financial Development Award
Press Release
November 2, 2012

Do you know of a library that has had a successful library financial development program?  Recognize this successful project with a nomination for the Gale Cengage Learning Financial Development Award funded by Gale Cengage, Inc. 

Since 1985, The Gale Cengage Learning Award recognizes a library organization that has exhibited meritorious achievement in carrying out a library financial development project to secure new funding resources for a public, school or academic library.   A variety of academic, public and school libraries have been the recipients of this award which honors a financial development project garnering new funding for library services.

Former award recipients include the Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation (2012), Princeton Public Library (2010), the New York University Bobst Library (1990) and the Friends of the Town of Pelham Library.  The award includes $2,500 and a 24k gold-framed citation. 

ALA is currently accepting nominations for the Gale Cengage Learning Financial Development Award. Six copies of the nomination form are to be submitted to ALA by December 1, 2012.  Selection of the recipient will be made by the end of February, 2013 and announced in early March 2013.  For additional information, contact Liz Bishoff, Award Jury Chair liz.bishoff@gmail.com or Cheryl Malden, ALA Governance Office, cmalden@ala.org

Monday, September 24, 2012

Open Letter to Publishers from ALA President

An open letter to America’s publishers from ALA President Maureen Sullivan

CHICAGO — The following open letter was released by American Library Association (ALA) President Maureen Sullivan regarding Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, and Penguin refusal to provide access to their e-books in U.S. libraries.

The open letter states:
It’s a rare thing in a free market when a customer is refused the ability to buy a company’s product and is told its money is “no good here.” Surprisingly, after centuries of enthusiastically supporting publishers’ products, libraries find themselves in just that position with purchasing e-books from three of the largest publishers in the world. Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, and Penguin have been denying access to their e-books for our nation’s 112,000 libraries and roughly 169 million public library users.

For more of the letter: http://www.ala.org/news/pr?id=11508

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

School Library Award Opportunity

For school libraries: Apply by Dec. 15 to receive $4,000, national recognition for program model

The ALA Public Programs Office is now accepting nominations for the 2013 Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award for Exemplary Humanities Programming. School libraries, public or private, that served children in any combination of grades K-8 and conducted humanities programs during the 2011-2012 school year are eligible. Applications and award guidelines are available at www.ala.org/jaffarianaward. To be considered, nominations must be received by the ALA Public Programs Office by December 15.

The award consists of a $4,000 honorarium and a plaque. Additionally, the winning program will be promoted as a model program for other school libraries on www.ProgrammingLibrarian.org, a library programming resource center. To be considered, applicant libraries must have conducted a humanities program or program series during the prior school year (2011-2012). The humanities program can be focused in many subject areas, including but not limited to social studies, poetry, drama, art, music, language arts, foreign language and culture. Programs should focus on broadening perspectives and helping students understand the wider world and their place in it. They should be initiated and coordinated by the school librarian and exemplify the role of the library program in advancing the overall educational goals of the school.

To help you find inspiration for your application, ALA Public Programs Office and ProgrammingLibrarian.org present an online learning opportunity especially for school librarians.

Who Are We?: An award-winning humanities program model for school libraries
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
4:00 p.m. CDT

Francis Feeley, school librarian of Inter-American Magnet School in Chicago, Ill., and winner of the 2012 Sara Jaffarian Award, will present his winning model for humanities programming in the school library. The program, titled “Who Are We?” challenged seventh- and eighth-grade students to explore the individual and collective behavior of human beings in the past and present in a series of quarterly research projects. Following the presentation, Feeley will discuss elements of his award application that lead to his selection, and give tips to prospective applicants to help get their applications started. Registration for this event is required, and can be found at: http://www.programminglibrarian.org/online-learning/who-are-we-an-award-winning-humanities-program-model-for-school-libraries.html.

This session will be held in Adobe Connect Pro. If you've never used Adobe Connect Pro, you may want to watch "Participating in Your First Connect Pro Meeting" or read the Visual Quick Start Guide (PDF) before the presentation. Please note that registration is required in order to attend the online learning session.

With questions, please contact the ALA Public Programs Office, publicprograms@ala.org or 800-545-2433 x5045.
ALA Public Programs Office

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

ALA Councilor At Large Positions

We are actively seeking people to run for ALA Council. If you are interested, please go to http://www.ala.org/aboutala/governance/council for more information. You must fill out the form no later than August 17th. It is available at https://www.alavote.org/nomination/2013users.html. If you do fill it out, please select the "Nominated" option (rather than petition). Please thoughtfully consider becoming part of the governance of ALA! If you have any questions, please email me privately at terri.kirk@mccracken.kyschools.us

Terri G. Kirk
ALA Councilor,
Kentucky Library Association
Reidland High School
5349  Benton Road
Paducah, KY 42003

School Literacy Grants

From ALA District Dispatch:

Innovative Approaches to Literacy Program (IAL) school literacy grants is now open, the Department of Education announced today in the Federal Register. We encourage school librarians to apply for the program grants, which can range from $150,000–750,000. At least 50 percent of the $28.6 million is designated for school librarians. The deadline to apply for the grant funding is August 10, 2012, at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

World Book Night

From ALA:

WORLD BOOK NIGHT 2013 is a celebration of literacy by publishers, bookstores, libraries and individuals who love books and reading.  On WORLD BOOK NIGHT 2013, 25,000 “book givers” will each give away 20 copies of a specially-printed, not-for-resale WBN edition of book they have read and loved (from a list of 25-30 titles selected by librarians and booksellers) to complete strangers – people who may never have owned a book of their own.  To promote this literacy event, libraries and bookstores – as organizational participants in the event – form a nationwide advocacy and distribution network.

WORLD BOOK NIGHT 2013 library organizational participants are making a commitment to (1) be a site for individual “book giver” volunteers* to pick up their shipment of books and (2) be an active advocate in their community for World Book Night 2013 and literacy.  (*Individuals in your community interested in being a “book giver” volunteer will be asked to complete the application on the World Book Night website, available in Fall 2012.)

WORLD BOOK NIGHT 2013 library organizational participants are committing to do the following:
·        Agree to be listed as a World Book Night organizational participant on a list for potential “book givers.”
·        Promote World Book Night within the library – for instance, by creating a display of WBN books, using the regular (“trade”) editions in the library’s own collection.
·        Have a designated World Book Night coordinator to handle shipment receipt, contact “book givers” in their area, receive WBN email updates and advocacy resources
·        Supply a shipping address (accessible by UPS) and be open to receive boxes for area “book givers”
·        Be a site where “book givers” may pick up their shipment of books, to be given away to light or non-readers in the community to encourage literacy and an appreciation of books
·        Invite givers to an open house/reception the week before World Book Night (see schedule below)
·        Make copies of informational materials supplied by WBN to give to each book giver along with their box
·        Work in their local area, with local media and organizations, to promote World Book Night and literacy, (see promotion schedule below)
·        Give unused books (for instance, boxes of books not picked up by the designated “book giver”) to local nonprofit groups identified by the library (for instance, senior centers, teen centers)
·        Week of April 1: Receive names of book givers who have selected your library as their pick up site (notification will be made by the American Library Association)
·        Week of April 8, 2013:  Receive, check in and store WBN “book giver” boxes for givers who have chosen your library as a pickup point; email or call givers to let them know their box has arrived; invite givers to an open house/reception (week of April 15) to pick up their box; make copies of the “giver letter” and certificates (from WBN) to give to each book giver along with their box.
·        Contact Ingram Book Co. (contact information to be supplied in early 2013).  If the “book giver” box does not arrive by April 15.
·        Week of April 15, 2013: Hold an open house or reception to welcome “book givers,” members of the local media, and other friends and supporters. 
·        Week of April 22, 2013:  Be open Monday and Tuesday for last minute box pick up, celebrate a successful World Book Night community outreach, share your stories.  World Book Night is April 23.
If you have questions, please contact Mary Ghikas (mghikas@ala.org) or Danielle Alderson (dalderson@ala.org)
Please return the attached commitment form to American Library Association, attn. MPS-WBN, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795    -- or fax to 312- 280-5013 or pdf to dalderson@ala.org   by Sept. 1, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

"Libraries, Patrons, and E-Books"

Fom the American Library Association:

OITP releases backgrounder on “Libraries, Patrons, and E-books”
As part of the ALA Office for Information Technology Policy’s work with the Digital Content and Libraries Working Group, several member leaders have requested we develop and distribute communications resources that will support local libraries around digital content issues.
Today OITP released the first of these documents, a backgrounder (pdf) that shares some highlights from the newest Pew Research Center report on “Libraries, Patrons, and E-books,” along with some possible messaging and local angles for leveraging this new research with local media and decision makers.

ALA Annual Conference Report 2012

ALA Chapter Councilor Annual Conference Update 2012
The American Library Association Annual Conference (http://alaannual.org/) was held June 21-26, 2012 in Anaheim, CA. This was the 131st Annual Conference and Exhibition included over 500 programs, pre-conferences, General Sessions, Auditorium Speakers, Author Stage presentations and special events.
Attendance numbers were somewhat below those of last year’s conference in New Orleans. Anaheim registration included 11, 655 attendees and 5,045 exhibitors for a total attendance of 16,700. This compares with 20,000 in New Orleans. Some discussion about attendance indicated that attendance numbers improve vastly when Annual is held in Chicago, as it will be in 2013. Although attendance numbers were down, the conference did not lose money.
ALA Council passed the following resolutions:
“Resolution that School Libraries and Librarians are Critical to Educational Success”
Resolved, that the American Library Association (ALA):
1.    Directs the ALA Presidential Task Force on School Librarians to lead the Association in its continued mission to address the urgent need for advocacy for school libraries and school librarians; and to address the impact of the de-professionalization and curtailment of school library instructional programs on students and student achievement, continuing to engage librarians of all types from across the association to advocate for school libraries, which are imperative to the survival and success of all libraries;
2.    Encourages state associations and affiliates to influence legislation requiring adequate funding and appropriate staffing of school libraries in schools at all levels;
3.    Places a high priority on seeing that upcoming ESEA legislation recognizes and specifically supports the necessity for effective school library programs and credentialed school librarians;
4.    Works to encourage federal lobbying efforts to include school libraries in legislation and regulations, including areas such as digital literacy and broadband; and
5.    Actively seeks partnerships with national organizations to reach mutual goals of sustaining school libraries.
“Resolution on Voter Suppression in America”
Resolved that the ALA:
Opposes voter ID laws restrictions on voter registration, cuts to early voting and any other laws resulting in the restriction of lawful access to voting; and
1.    Encourages libraries, librarians and library support staff to provide information to citizens to mitigate these restrictions should they remain in effect on Election Day.

Changes to scheduling and number of programs at Annual were discussed at length. Because of declining net revenue, the cost of space and supportive technology, the size and scope of annual conference may be altered. Caps on the number of programs from divisions and roundtables as well as reduction in amount of reserved space will be considered by Executive Board for each conference based on attendance. Since the Executive Board administers conference content, this was not a Council action item but a point of information.
Maureen Sullivan was inaugurated as the President of the American Library Association and Barbara Stripling as President-Elect. Four Council members were elected to serve on the Committee on Committees and five to serve on the Planning and Budget Assembly. Retiring President Molly Raphael and Councilors were recognized for their service, including the South Dakota Chapter Councilor whose term ended at the Annual Conference.
Respectfully submitted,
Vickie Mix, SDLA
 ALA Chapter Councilor

Monday, April 9, 2012

National Library Week

From: Michael Dowling [mailto:mdowling@ala.org]
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 11:02 PM
To: Mix, Vickie
Subject: Participate in Supporting South Dakota Libraries!

This is National Library Week, the perfect opportunity to write your elected officials to let them know how important libraries are to you and your community.
Your message will make a difference! Please take just a few minutes to send a quick message to them from your state library association's take action page: http://capwiz.com/ala/sd

Libraries continue to be busier than ever helping families, students, seniors, etc., during these tough times. But as we know, public libraries, school libraries, and academic libraries are still struggling to maintain budgets, staff, and resources to serve the needs of their communities. Your state government provides much needed funding for libraries to provide public access to the Internet to everyone, critical databases for individuals and small businesses, homework help, and much more.

Why not include in your message a personal story about how your library makes a positive difference in your life!

Please forward this message to your friends, family, and colleagues, and ask them to take this opportunity to support libraries in your state!
Thanks for taking the time to make a difference.

Michael Dowling
Director, Chapter Relations Office
American Library Association

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Membership Renewal Program Webinar

From ALA:

ALA Chapters and Affiliates leadership and staff are invited to learn
about a new membership renewal and welcome program which supports both
email and paper dues renewals, member ID cards, and orientation
messages, as well as reinstatements and membership recruitment. This
webinar is sponsored by AssociaDirect in consultation with the ALA
Chapter Relations Office. Please join us for one of two informational

Weds, April 4, 2012 from 3:00pm - 3:30pm CDT - register at
Weds April 11, 2012 from 4:00pm - 4:30pm CDT - register at

Chapter and Affiliate leaders and staff will learn about how bundling
renewal communications across multiple associations can improve your
renewal cycle, save your organization money on printing and postage, and
make the whole process more efficient to for staff or volunteers.
Contact John Chrastka at AssociaDirect, 877-263-0010 x 102 or
jchrastka@associadirect.com with questions or technical concerns, or to
schedule an individual call.

Please register by the Tuesday immediately prior to either session to
receive handouts in advance. Once registered you will receive an email
confirming your registration with information you need to join the
Webinar. There will be a toll free call-in number for questions and
discussion during the event.

System Requirements:

PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server

Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer

School Libraries Value Video for Advocacy

From ALA Council List post by Sara Kelly Johns:

Drs. Ruth Small, David Lankes and Barbara Stripling, faculty at Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies have created a 3 minute video for use by anyone who needs to provide evidence that school librarians matter. Although it targets NYS librarians, it can be used by any school librarian anywhere. This is a valuable advocacy tool at a crucial time for school librarians.


Monday, March 12, 2012

LSTA House of Representatives Signature Deadline March 14

From ALA :

Good Morning,

Last week we sent out two action alerts regarding a few important  “Dear Colleague” letters making rounds in the U.S. House and Senate.

In the House, we still need many more Members of Congress to sign the letter supporting funding for the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) in FY13. The deadline for signatures is this Wednesday, March 14. LSTA is the primary source of funding for libraries in the federal budget and helps many libraries provide crucial services.

For more information on how your Representative can sign on and talking points, visit the Legislative Action Center. For many Members of Congress, all it takes is one call from a constituent to get them to sign on. Unfortunately, many of them have not even heard from one constituent. Please change that today!

To date, 17 Representatives have signed the LSTA letter. They are listed below:

Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ)
Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ)
Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI)
Rep. Gregorio Sablan (D-CNMI)
Rep. Laura Richardson (D-CA)
Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY)
Rep. Gerald McNerney (D-CA)
Rep. Mike Michaud (D-ME)
Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA)
Rep. Lynn C. Woolsey (D-CA)
Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY)
Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT)
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH)
Rep. Michael E. Capuano (D-MA)
Rep. Mike Ross (D-AR)
Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO)

 If your Representative appears on the above list, please thank them for supporting LSTA. If not, please call today as the deadline is rapidly approaching.

Two “Dear Colleague” letters that support libraries are still being passed through the Senate as well. Please call your senators  before  March 26 to ask them to sign on. For more information on those  letters,  visit the Legislative Action Center.